Need help selling your furniture?


Needing to get rid of furniture but don’t have the time or resources to do so?

Selling your furniture sounds a lot easier said than done. Not only is it difficult in finding a buyer; but how will you deliver the item? Who will help you move it? How will you find the time and equipment to professionally clean it? Where will you store it when your new couch comes in?

Congratulations, you just discovered your solution. Couchplug can easily take care of all this through consignment services.

What we will do:
• find a top dollar buyer

• coordinate pick up/delivery

• professionally clean your furniture

• offer storage for the item

Just like that; all your problems solved. Now you can retain the highest value of your furniture without having to solve all the obstacles that come with selling it. Our fee is on a per-sale basis, but we can assure you the efficiency and time saved will pour right back into your wallets. Visit our contact page to inquire about our consignment services!